Take a look at the Everest line of mattresses if you're looking for a mattress that provides you with individualised support and exceptional comfort.
Since the Everest's support system doesn't roll together, the springs are durable and will keep you and your companion to your respective sides of the bed without requiring spontaneous encounters in the middle.
The mattress cover's Tencel fibres, which are created from sustainable sources and are naturally smooth and gentle to the touch, feel twice as soft as cotton. As if things couldn't get any better, this mattress is also tufted, which is just another way of saying it has been brought together. The Everest mattress becomes firmer and more sturdy as a result.
Having to turn is not a concern.
Everest Orthopaedic - Double
- Orthopaedic
- Firm
- Tufted
- 190cm x 137cm